Dungeon Twister
Dungeon TwisterTM will allow you to control a group of captured adventurers in the Dungeon of the rich and powerful Wizard.
He teleported you into his catacombs simply to amuse himself by watching you fight to escape from his infernal mechanical labyrinth.
But you are also going to have to fight to survive the attacks of your adversaries, for they too are trying to escape.
Number of players: 2
Game duration: 45 mn
Complexity: 3 / 5
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Play Dungeon Twister and 1015 other games online.
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With your friends and thousands of players from the whole world.

Rules summary
Golden rules.
- Golden Rule #1: An Action must be fully resolved before starting a new one.
- Golden Rule #2: At the end of any Action, there can never be more than two tokens in the same square.
Reveal a Room
A room can only be revealed (turned face-up) if one of your characters has direct access to it before it is revealed (figure 2). All characters on your starting line have direct access to the first two rooms adjacent to the starting line. So, both these rooms can be revealed for 1 AP each.
Remove all the tokens on the room to be revealed. Slide the room to the side from the board’s structure, flip the room and replace it in the structure face up as indicated in figure 3. The player revealing the room first places all the tokens that were on this room except the objects matching their own color. These objects are placed by their opponent after the revealing player has placed all the other tokens.
All tokens are placed face-up, no more than one per square. Each token must be placed on an empty floor square or on a Rotation Gear
Rotate a Room
Each room in the labyrinth is equipped with a complex wheels and gears mechanism allowing it to rotate. The Rotation Gear which triggers this movement is represented by a colored spinning arrow and a number within a square of each room. Such squares are called Rotation Gear.
For 1 AP, a character standing on a Rotation Gear can rotate the room 1/4 of a turn in the arrow’s direction. They can spend 2 AP to rotate 1/2 of a turn, or 3 AP to rotate 3/4 of a turn, etc.
All rooms are matched as colored pairs (they are also numbered for easier identification), rotating in opposite direction from each other. A character standing on the Rotation Gear #1 can also choose to remotely rotate the other room bearing the same number for 1 AP for each 1/4 of a turn. The targeted room will rotate in the direction of the arrows printed on its own board. In short, to know which way the room rotates, look at the arrow printed on the rotating room. 1 AP only allows you to rotate one room at a time! You can never rotate two rooms at the same time.
To rotate a room, slide the room out of the board’s structure. Rotate the room and put it back into the structure. When a player rotates a room, they are not allowed to change their mind if the new game situation isn’t to their liking. None of the tokens in the room change place during a rotation.
You can use 1 AP to move one of your own characters. The white number on the left on each character token (Speed) shows how many squares a character can move for 1 AP (for example, the Thief can move 5 squares with 1 AP).
You are never forced to use all of your movement points.
You can also give more than one AP to the same character in order to have it move several times, although one movement must be fully completed before another can start (first Golden Rule).
Initiate Combat
You need to spend 1 AP to initiate Combat. A character can attack any adjacent enemy character. You cannot initiate a Combat through a closed Portcullis or a wall.
Each player selects a Combat card from their hand and places it face-down in front of them. Both cards are then revealed simultaneously. Each player adds the card’s value to their character’s Combat value (black number on the right on their character token).
The player with the highest total wins the Combat and the opponent’s character is wounded. Wounded characters are placed face-down.
In the case of a tie, nothing happens and the player whose turn it is can decide to spend 1 new AP to initiate a new Combat.
All used Combat cards are removed from the game. Gather them in a single face-down pile. Players are not allowed to look at these cards. The “Combat +0” card is the only card that the owner always gets back.
The Active Player cannot attack again a character that has been wounded during this turn, even if another character did the wounding.
Group Combat
If more than 1 character is adjacent to one or more of their opponent’s characters, all living (unwounded) characters must participate in the Combat (see figure 4). The attacking player adds the Combat value of all their adjacent characters and the defending player does the same. Although more than one character is attacking or defending, each player only plays one Combat card for their team. When the Combat is over, all the loser’s characters involved in the combat are wounded and placed face-down.
Wounded characters
When a character is wounded, the object they were carrying is left in the square with them. A wounded character cannot carry out any Actions. Their Combat value is 0 but they are still permitted to play a Combat card if they are attacked during following turns. If a wounded character loses a Combat, they are removed from the game. The player who killed them removes the character token from the board and places it in front of them as proof of having earned 1 VP. A wounded character cannot attack or participate in group Combat. They can only defend themselves if they are directly attacked (you can only attack one wounded character at the same time). If a wounded character wins a Combat, the attacking character or characters are wounded.
Use a Character’s Special Ability
Most characters have one or more Special Abilities. Some of them are permanent and do not require the player to spend AP to use them; others require 1 AP to be activated. Refer to the character description to learn about each character's Special Abilities. Unless otherwise specified, a wounded character cannot use their Special Abilities, even if they are permanent Abilities.
Use an Object
Some objects also have permanent Special Effects that do not require the player to spend AP to use them; others require 1 AP to be activated. Objects with permanent Effects always stay on the board. Objects that require AP to have their Effect activated are removed from the board once they are used. A wounded character cannot use an object requiring AP activation since they are not permitted to carry out an Action.
Each character can only carry one object or one wounded character of their own color. To pick up an object or a wounded character, simply pass through or stop on the square containing it. This doesn’t require the player to spend any AP as it is part of the character’s movement. A character can also drop an object or wounded character in a square while carrying out a movement. This also does not require the player to spend any AP. But, the second Golden Rule must still be followed and no object or wounded character may be left on a Pit Trap (unless it is a Rope) or on any other forbidden square. There can never be two objects on the same square.
A character moving through a square occupied by a wounded character (friendly or enemy) and an object can pick up the object for no AP. If one of your characters moves through another character of the same color, you can take, give or trade objects and/or wounded characters as you wish between the two characters. This does not cost any AP. However, at the end of any Action, the second Golden Rule must always be followed (1 character + 1 object or 1 character + 1 wounded character maximum per square).
Blue characters can use and carry Yellow objects and vice versa.
Objects or wounded characters are always placed underneath the token of the character carrying it. At any time, any player can look at a token underneath a character, friendly or enemy
Carrying wounded characters
Wounded characters can be carried like objects by characters of the same color. All rules applicable to objects are applicable to wounded characters. If a character carrying a wounded one loses a Combat, the wounded one is removed from the game (+1 VP for the winner) and the carrier becomes wounded themselves
Moving a Character out of the Labyrinth
As soon as one of your characters moves into any of the 10 squares on your opponent’s starting line, they exits the labyrinth. Remove it from the game and place it in front of you to symbolize 1 VP. It is not possible to stay on your opponent’s starting line or to move once on it. On the other hand, your characters can move, rest or initiate Combat on your own starting line.
You can exit the labyrinth by moving through an opponent’s wounded character standing on their starting line. You can also initiate Combat against an opponent’s character standing on their starting line, as long as your attacking character is still in a room and still in the labyrinth.
If a character leaves the labyrinth while transporting a wounded character, the wounded character is safe (remove from the game) but is not worth any VP.
If a character leaves the labyrinth while transporting an object, this object is removed from the game unless it is the Treasure which is worth 1 VP (place the Treasure in front of you to keep track of your extra VP.)
Action Cards
The Active Player chooses an Action card from their deck and places it face-up in front of them. All of a player’s Action cards must be stacked together face-up, so that only the last card played is visible. At the end of a turn, if a player has no more Action cards, they get their 4 Action cards back (see phase 3). This is called a completed Action Card Cycle. During the first turn, the first player can only play a “2 Actions” card. Then, during the entire duration of the first Action Cards Cycle, a player can only play a card whose Actions number is inferior, equal or superior by 1 to the highest Action card played since the beginning of the game. This rule only applies to the first Action Card Cycle.
As soon as a “4 Actions” card has been played, any player can play any Action card for the rest of the game.
Combat Cards
You need to spend 1 AP to initiate Combat. A character can attack any adjacent enemy character. You cannot initiate a Combat through a closed Portcullis or a wall.
Each player selects a Combat card from their hand and places it face-down in front of them. Both cards are then revealed simultaneously. Each player adds the card’s value to their character’s Combat value (black number on the right on their character token).
The player with the highest total wins the Combat and the opponent’s character is wounded. Wounded characters are placed face-down.
In the case of a tie, nothing happens and the player whose turn it is can decide to spend 1 new AP to initiate a new Combat.
All used Combat cards are removed from the game. Gather them in a single face-down pile. Players are not allowed to look at these cards. The “Combat +0” card is the only card that the owner always gets back.
The Active Player cannot attack again a character that has been wounded during this turn, even if another character did the wounding.
Jump Cards
Each player starts the game with 3 “Jump” cards. You can use a Jump card to allow any of your characters to jump over a Pit Trap. Your character can jump over the Pit Trap and land on a square directly behind it (figure 6). A Jump card allows you to move two squares: the first square crossed must be the Pit Trap and the character must then land on a valid square adjacent to the Pit Trap. A valid square is any square where the character can complete their movement while obeying the second Golden Rule.
Playing a Jump card costs 1 AP. The used Jump cards are removed from the game after use and placed face-down with the used Combat cards.
It is not permitted to jump over a Pit Trap that is occupied by a living or wounded character.
You win the game by scoring 5 VP.
Eliminating an enemy scores 1 VP.
Getting one of your characters to your enemies starting line earns 1VP (+1VP for goblin, +1VP if carrying treasure)